New Patient Registration
1) Please fill out the New Patient Insurance and Demographics Form. It is very important to fill out the specific information concerning your insurance company name and insurance ID; so please have your insurance available when you fill out this form.
2) Then, please fill out the New Patient Medical History Form​. Allow plenty of time to answer the questions. This will help Dr. Patterson and her staff to be prepared for your visit.
3) You will then be able to create your own Patient Portal and request an appointment by clicking here.
4) In 48 to 72 hours, you should receive a response and an appointment.
5) Please bring your signed HIPAA Acknowledgement Form to your first visit.
6) Please be advised that you will need to give at least 24 hours notice before canceling an appointment. Since Dr. Patterson spends over one hour with each new patient, she will need to fill your spot. If you do not give at least 24 hours notice, you will be charged a $200 fee.

New Patient Forms
New Patient Insurance and Demographics Form
It is very important to fill out the specific information concerning your insurance company name and insurance ID, so please have your insurance available when you fill out this form.
New Patient Medical History Form​
Allow plenty of time to answer the questions. This will help Dr. Patterson and her staff to be prepared for your visit.
Before your appointment, please read the HIPAA Information Form.
If you have read and acknowledge your HIPAA rights, please print out the HIPAA Acknowledgement Form sign it, and bring it with you to your first appointment.
If you need a release of records form, please print out this form.


Medical Appointments
New Patients
Please follow the steps above for New Patient Registration.
Then, please follow the instructions to the left about the HIPAA Information and HIPAA Acknowledgement.
Please be advised that you will need to give at least 24 hours notice before canceling an appointment. Since, Dr. Patterson spends over one hour with each new patient, she will need to fill your spot. If you do not give at least 24 hours notice, you will be charged a $200 fee.
Before any appointments, you will be prompted to update your Health History forms on your portal from your portal's home page. Please do not take the time to do this. But please make sure that you have filled out the new patient forms above.
Established Patients
To request an appointment, please click here to visit your portal and request an appointment.
New policy - because Dr. Patterson allows so much time with each patient, please give at least 24 hours notice before canceling an appointment so that we can fill your spot. If you do not give at least 24 hours notice, you will be charged an $85 fee.
Before any appointments, you will be prompted to update your Health History forms on your portal from your portal's home page. Please do not take the time to do this.
Dr. Patterson offers telemedicine services on a limited basis for those who are unable to commute to the office. To visit with Dr. Patterson online, please use Firefox or Google Chrome to visit the following website at your designated appointment time.

Creighton Model Classes

Please be aware that as a solo practioner, Dr. Patterson must streamline her messaging. In order to do this, she has
messaging set up for you through a "portal" in her Electronic Medical Records System that allows communication which is secure and HIPAA compliant.
If you would like to send Dr. Patterson messages, sign into your Patient Portal. You will then have access to private messaging with Dr. Patterson.
For urgent matters, please contact Dr. Patterson at 518-779-5225.
All other messages should be handled by the messaging system through your portal. Once you have logged in and sent your message, you can expect a reply within 24 - 36 hours.
The Creighton Model is typically taught during nine private appointments over the course of one year. Six appointments usually fall in the first three months, with three appointments through the rest of the year. Appointments can be taught in the office or virtually and are usually covered by insurance.
If insurance does not cover the classes, the cost is as follows:
Pay as you go: $85 per appointment plus materials
Pay upfront: $680 for 9 appointments plus materials
Please give at least 24 hours notice before canceling an appointment. Teachers sometimes travel just to meet you; so please be respectful of their time and attention. If you do not give at least 24 hours notice, you will be charged a $40 no show fee.
Please click here to request an appointment.

Electronic Medical Records
Dr. Patterson will be enabling you to view some of your records online through your newly created Patient Portal. You will be able to receive summaries of your visit and view your labs.
After your patient portal has been enabled, you can visit it by clicking here.